About Me

Teacher Man and Lara | via printmyemotions.com

Sunday Night Rituals.

Sunday nights almost always mean two things to my family: 1) Dairy Queen Blizzards for the boys. Oreo for Joe and peanut butter cups for Teacher Man. Always. Sometimes a Blizzard for me, too, but sometimes not – depends totally on what I feel like. And if I do have a Blizzard, I am the […] Read more…

Cate Blanchett - Oscars 2015

Oscars 2015 – My Favorite Look

I love watching the Oscars. I do. And critiquing the red carpet is one of my guilty pleasures. Every year, my sister and I text each other madly throughout the evening, sharing our opinions. Did you see Meryl Streep’s outfit? OMG – I missed Channing Tatum! Holy J. Lo boobs! Gwyneth had a weird shoulder […] Read more…

7 Ways to Enjoy a Small Town Parade

Happy Sunday night, everyone! How was your weekend? Teacher Man, Joe and I drove out to the farm on Friday and enjoyed some time with family. My dad grilled the most Uh-Mazing turkey on Friday night that was the perfect complement to this light and tasty pasta salad. We finished off the meal with my […] Read more…

My Memorial Day Weekend Mash-Up.

So … the long holiday weekend was busy in a completely fabulous, hanging-out-with-my-family kind of way. A bike ride with my Joe Man to kick things off on Saturday morning. Beer tasting at Hayes’ Public House with Teacher Man, after I spent a gorgeously sunny Saturday afternoon puttering in my gardens and planting a ridiculous […] Read more…

A Simply Perfect Mother's Day.

My Mother’s Day was perfect for many, small reasons. 1. Breakfast in bed. This has been a tradition in our house since Joe was old enough to help in the kitchen. Joe delivered an egg, over easy, on toast, a big bowl of fresh strawberries and a glass of cranberry juice – all while I happily […] Read more…

My High School English Teacher: True Inspiration

I’d really like you to meet Ruth Swezey. Truth be told, she will always be Mrs. Swezey to me. She was my English teacher at Hector High School and even though she is completely fine with me calling her Ruth now – after all, it’s been 27 years since I graduated – in my head, she […] Read more…

Roads Traveled.

Note: I wrote this post last Sunday but didn’t have a chance to post it when I arrived in Florida. The picture below is of Joe and his cousin, Audree, not too long after we checked into our resort. 🙂 As I write this, I am traveling to the Florida Keys with Teacher Man and […] Read more…

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