
Minnesota Turkeys

Why Raising Turkeys Indoors Makes Sense.

Last week, I debuted my first blog post for Successful Farming’s “Women in Agriculture” family of bloggers on I am beyond thrilled to be asked to contribute to this website on a regular basis and I’m humbled by the amazing women in my company. Does this solidify my status as an #agnerd? I believe […] Read more…

Minnesota turkeys in a barn

Wordless Wednesday: Turkey Tussle

Turkey tussle, anyone? A few years ago while coordinating the annual Thanksgiving Media Day for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association, I attempted to shoot a little video for our members, letting them know what was happening and thanking them for their assistance and support of this event. I had good intentions. Unfortunately, I had one […] Read more…

Liebster Award – Discovering New Blogs!

My farm blogger friend Sara over at Hewitt Farms just made my entire week by nominating me for a Liebster Award. I met Sara in person at a social media conference for those of us in agriculture last August and she’s smart, talented and has the coolest collection of cowboy boots that I secretly covet. […] Read more…

My Top 6 Blog Posts for 2013

As I head into the New Year, I took a few moments this morning to check out my most-read posts of 2013. It’s always fun to look back to see what really got shared by readers! Not all of these were written in 2013, including my #1 most popular post of all time about pheasant […] Read more…

Thanksgiving in Washington DC - #PresidentialTurkey13 | via

Thanksgiving in Washington DC: #PresidentialTurkey13

I apologize in advance that I’m not going to be able to write a completely coherent blog post about Thanksgiving week. I seriously am staring at my computer screen at a loss for the right words to describe my experiences last week in Washington DC. Thrilling. Hilarious. Exhausting. Surreal. Memories of a lifetime. How else can […] Read more…

The Good Egg Project | via

A Good Egg.

I am thrilled to announce a new partnership I have with the American Egg Board to be a Good Egg Project Ambassador, along with several other bloggers! When asked if I would be interested, it took me all of, oh, I’d say five seconds to say yes. Given my background working with egg farmers and […] Read more…

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