
La Bamba Turkey Hotdish #serveturkey #turkeyeveryday #switchtoturkey

La Bamba Turkey Hotdish

Before I get into this week’s recipe, La Bamba Turkey Hotdish, let’s talk about ground turkey. Have you seen or read about this week’s Consumer Reports’ research that looked at ground turkey and foodborne pathogens? I cringed when I read some of the hyped-up headlines, such as: “90% of Ground Turkey Contains Disease-Causing Bacteria”. Ouch. […] Read more…

Laying hens

Does a Hen Need a Rooster?

I’m back to writing about chickens tonight … laying hens, to be specific. Last week the organizations I work for (Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota) participated in a special “Agriculture Awareness Day” at the University of Minnesota. The event – organized by a group of dedicated students in […] Read more…

Buff Laced Bantam Chick

Do Chickens Need Turndown Service?

I am turning my attention to chickens today. Specifically chicken hotels … with turndown service. Yes. You just read that correctly. Turndown service. I saw an article floating around Twitter today about a luxury chicken hotel in Eugene, Oregon.  According to the article, for just $2 per chicken per night, the birds receive fresh food, […] Read more…

Getting All AgNerdy On You.

Warning:  AgNerd post alert … no turkey recipe, no cute pug picture. Just me, getting all AgNerdy on you. Can you handle it? Whenever I sit in on AgChat Foundation’s weekly Tweetchat (most Tuesday nights at 7 pm central time; follow #agchat on Twitter), I always get energized. There is something about this community of […] Read more…

I am Ag Proud!

I am Ag Proud!

Tomorrow is National Agriculture Day, a special designation that has been around since 1973.  I remember when I first started working for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association, I would see a press kit and maybe a fancy poster come through my desk (via snail mail!) – both highlighting why National Ag Day is important. (Remember, […] Read more…

Baby Turkeys or "Poults" | via | #turkeyeveryday

Poultry Central. Right here in Minnesota!

As I have written before, I work for several poultry organizations – specifically, the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and its sister organization the Minnesota Turkey Research and Promotion Council; the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota; and the Midwest Poultry Federation. Poultry Central. Right here in Minnesota! I wear many hats for these organizations, including […] Read more…

Tuesday Night Ramblings!

Happy Tuesday night! It’s a quiet night at home – my 9-year-old is playing with his new Angry Birds game (a recent birthday gift) and Teacher Man has conferences tonight at school so he won’t be home until later. I was super productive when I got home – made dinner, baked a batch of Joe’s […] Read more…

Whose Truth Is It?

Whose Truth Is It?

Social media is an amazing thing – a fantastic way for organizations like mine (see Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota) to bring consumers closer to their food and to the farmers who raise their food. But it can also get me all worked up sometimes, even when I’m […] Read more…

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