Earl the Pug


Weekend Snaps | I Miss You Guys!

Oh my word, I absolutely can’t stand it when I don’t have the time to blog regularly.  If you follow me on Facebook, then you may have caught this picture I took last week – captioned, “What I feel like when I don’t have time to blog!”  And it’s true. I love to write and […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Birthday Boy

Now that I’ve spent exactly 73 minutes (give or take) packing for a 4-day business trip to Atlanta, I think I need to quit obsessing about my wardrobe choices. Success for this particular packing experience = bringing a 2nd pair of boots and an extra pair of ballet flats in my carry-on. I just can’t […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Arctic Blast - via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | Arctic Blast

Oh my word has it been cold this weekend! I know, I know … I live in Minnesota, after all. But I don’t care how native you are to this state, when you wake up to this on your phone, it’s officially bleeping cold! This kind of cold doesn’t necessarily keep me tethered to the couch […] Read more…

High Five For Friday | printmyemotions.com

High Five for Friday!

Raise your hand if you’re ready for the weekend. (Pick me, pick me!) It’s been a good week, but I’m ready to hunker down at home, do a little baking (Joe actually wants me to make these!), cook something Pioneer Woman-ish for my family, and perhaps start reading a new book.  Since the windchill is supposed […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition - via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition

Happy 2016, friends! I had an absolutely fabulous week off between Christmas and New Year’s, and I am really hoping I can keep my sense of inner calm and well-rested soul as we get back to “reality” tomorrow – that is, school and work! January always ushers in a completely busy work calendar for me. […] Read more…

Merry Christmas | via MyOtherMoreExciting.com

Our Christmas Traditions

Merry Christmas, friends! We officially kicked off our Christmas with our traditional celebration at home last night after I got home from work. We cracked open a bottle of red wine and Teacher Man grilled up steaks while I made mashed potatoes and glazed carrots – a pretty simple meal that tastes amazing and we […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Birthdays! via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | Birthdays!

Hello, friends! So much going on this weekend it’s hard for me to know where to start. So first this: It’s good to be the birthday girl, especially when you’re turning 2! And oh my word, how adorable is Miss Morgan in her headband and sparkly birthday dress? Truth be told, this is really how […] Read more…

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