Earl the Pug

Christmas Ornaments - some vintage, some new | via printmyemotions.com

Total random writing.

Who says I need to have a specific topic to write a post? I haven’t been totally random in a while. (Um, Teacher Man would probably disagree, but I’m specifically talking about my blog here.) And I miss it. I miss the creativity of just typing out whatever comes to mind. (Well, okay, I do […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Thanksgiving 2015 | via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | Thankful

Hello friends! How was your Thanksgiving weekend? As is the case every year, ours went way too fast, and now Joe and I find ourselves on the couch, lamenting that our little break is over. I’m not quite sure I’m ready for Monday – this week is going to be quite crazy busy at work […] Read more…

Teacher Man! | via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | Turkey Week is Here!

How was your weekend? We spent ours mostly at home, doing nothing in particular but enjoying some football, baking, and catching up with some good friends we don’t see nearly enough. In other words, what’s not to love? Some of my favorite snaps from the weekend: Friday morning sunrise – so vibrant! And I think […] Read more…

Hayes Public House | via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | November in Minnesota

I have no idea why I am so completely tired tonight. Like collapse on the couch, barely-keeping-my-eyelids open tired. (Although Earl the pug did wake me up at 5:57 a.m. when he started roaming around our bedroom, making his usual pug snorting and heavy breathing sounds, apparently believing – and wrongly so – that it […] Read more…

Fall Garden | via printmyemotions.com

Playing Hooky on Monday

I’m not really playing hooky today, but there is something about taking a day off on Monday that feels like I’m cheating just a little.  I went for a run in my neighborhood this morning, marveling at the blue sky and crisp morning air. When I got back, I walked around to the backyard and […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Hometown Halloween via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | Hometown Halloween

Is it really November 1? It just doesn’t seem possible that we’ve got two months left of 2015 and we’re heading smack dab into holiday season. But alas, let us first review the highlights from Halloween weekend, which was spent in part on the farm with my family. 1) Cousins in costumes.Miss Morgan is almost […] Read more…

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