Earl the Pug

Mango Colada at the Caribe Hilton | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

High Five for Friday!

Okay, so what day is it exactly? I completely lost track when I was in Puerto Rico a week ago for the National Turkey Federation Convention. (Don’t hate me because I just wrote that. Admit it – you would be the same way.) I got back late Sunday night and then hit the ground running […] Read more…

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

It’s Christmas Eve and we’re packing up to hit the road. We don’t travel too far – just a couple of hours to Teacher Man’s family later today and then on Christmas Day, we head to my parents’ farm, another three hours or so. On Friday, we will eventually wind our way back home. It’s a […] Read more…

Weekend Wrap-Up.

It’s been a big weekend around here. My niece, Miss Morgan, turned 1 today and we attended her first birthday party on Saturday. Plus our beloved Earl the #Pug turned 14 (14!), also on Saturday. Sunday was a beautiful mix of baking, laundry, blog writing, piano playing, and watching The Sound of Music for the gazillionth […] Read more…

High Five for Friday!

Happy Friday, everyone! It’s been a busy and productive week leading up to Christmas and I’d say I have just a few small things to cross off my to do list and I’ll be ready. Apparently I’ve been a little lax at documenting my week in photos, so I’m just going to write five random […] Read more…

High Five for Friday!

Here’s the thing: if you think my life should get less crazy the week after Thanksgiving, then you would be wrong, actually. I know, right? This seems to fly contrary to common sense, given I work in communications for the #1 turkey producing state in the U.S. and I just got through what would seem […] Read more…

Sunday Night Hodgepodge

It’s Sunday night and, as is our usual custom, Joe and I are plopped on the couch in our porch. He’s watching a video on his iPad and I’m working on this blog plus my weekly blog I write for Agriculture.com. Earl the pug is on the floor right below us, snoring away after the […] Read more…

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