Earl the Pug

Turkey Roll-Ups | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Turkey Roll-Ups

I’m excited to share one of my favorite recipes ever – Turkey Roll-Ups! It’s simple but full of flavor and my go-to for get-togethers for sure. But first, I can’t tell you how happy I am to see Friday night. It’s not that I had a bad week – quite the contrary, I had a […] Read more…

Staycation = Simplicity

While I am still a little worked up about the whole Panera Bread (#PluckEZChicken) thing, I have truly tried to be “on vacation” this week and give myself a break. (My Panera Bread post is here – and a follow up from Dairy Carrie is here, plus a spot-on blog post from a veterinarian about Panera’s […] Read more…

Motherhood is a Funny Thing, Sometimes.

Motherhood is a funny thing, sometimes. Last night, Teacher Man and Joe took me out to eat for Mother’s Day and we reminisced with Joe about what life was like initially after we brought him home from the hospital. Joy, happiness, anxiety and … the complete opposite of just about every single thought I had […] Read more…

Baby Turkeys or "Poults" | via printmyemotions.com | #turkeyeveryday

Poultry Central. Right here in Minnesota!

As I have written before, I work for several poultry organizations – specifically, the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and its sister organization the Minnesota Turkey Research and Promotion Council; the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota; and the Midwest Poultry Federation. Poultry Central. Right here in Minnesota! I wear many hats for these organizations, including […] Read more…

Angry Birds prizes for the goodie bags!

Here's to a Vacation Day!

I read an article today in the Twin Cities Star Tribune about how Americans don’t take all of their vacation days either because of a lack of time or a lack of money – or both, I am sure. This isn’t exactly news – I think most of us have heard this before, and it’s […] Read more…

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