High Five for Friday

Animal Print Heels | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

High Five for Friday!

Thursday night has commenced and it’s just Joe and me around home tonight. Teacher Man has his second night of parent-teacher conferences this week so he will be rolling in later, presumably exhausted but no less excited about the weekend coming up than we are. Here are the Thursday night particulars thus far: Pizza: Domino’s. (We […] Read more…


High Five for Friday!

As we wind down at our house with pizza, wine, and football (oh, and some math homework) on a Thursday night, I am pleased that the weekend is almost upon us. I am also pleased that I will be getting a new Macbook Pro laptop for my office tomorrow as I am beyond tired of […] Read more…

High Five for Friday | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

High Five For Friday!

It’s been a long while since I’ve written a Friday post, but I’m feeling inclined this morning to get a head start on the weekend. We don’t have big plans – just a little babysitting of our niece, Miss Morgan, tomorrow (yay!) and then catching up on life, otherwise known as groceries, laundry, fall garden […] Read more…

Mango Colada at the Caribe Hilton | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

High Five for Friday!

Okay, so what day is it exactly? I completely lost track when I was in Puerto Rico a week ago for the National Turkey Federation Convention. (Don’t hate me because I just wrote that. Admit it – you would be the same way.) I got back late Sunday night and then hit the ground running […] Read more…

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