My Boy Joe

Staycation = Simplicity

While I am still a little worked up about the whole Panera Bread (#PluckEZChicken) thing, I have truly tried to be ā€œon vacationā€ this week and give myself a break. (My Panera Bread post is here ā€“ and a follow up from Dairy Carrie is here, plus a spot-on blog post from a veterinarianĀ about Paneraā€™s […] Read moreā€¦

Marigolds | Printmyemotions

Monday Staycation ā€“ In Rewind

I am on vacation this week, and I have instructed the office not to call me unless it is a dire emergency.  Since I work with very smart and understanding coworkers, I am sure they will heed my plea. (Seriously. I have awesome coworkers.) I need this week off. We donā€™t have big plans and, […] Read moreā€¦

(Sort Of) Wordless Wednesday: My Boy of Summer

I have been so crazy busy the past few weeks that I havenā€™t had time to write a decent blog post about hardly anything, it seems. Iā€™ve got some egg questions on my mind ā€“ and I usually always find something to share about turkey, but with my organizationā€™s summer conference last week, I havenā€™t […] Read moreā€¦

Lake. Family. Golf. Ice Cream. Repeat.

Has it really been 9-1/2 years since Teacher Man and I became parents? Now our redheaded, freckled boy is his own little man ā€“ always creative and sometimes cautious, baseball player and pianist, funny man and artist/writer. Just seconds after he came into the world, he promptly peed all over his Dad. It is still […] Read moreā€¦

Motherhood is a Funny Thing, Sometimes.

Motherhood is a funny thing, sometimes. Last night, Teacher Man and Joe took me out to eat for Motherā€™s Day and we reminisced with Joe about what life was like initially after we brought him home from the hospital. Joy, happiness, anxiety and ā€¦ the complete opposite of just about every single thought I had […] Read moreā€¦

Ag, Award, Aussie and Earl (or Sunday Night Randomness)

Itā€™s Sunday night and Iā€™m listening to the ice fall against my windows. Yes, ice. Apparently winter isnā€™t ready to let go in Minnesota. Itā€™s frustrating for me, definitely. (I want to be outside cleaning up the yard and getting my gardens ready, and, quite frankly, itā€™s annoying I canā€™t wear any of my cute […] Read moreā€¦

Tuesday Night Ramblings!

Happy Tuesday night! Itā€™s a quiet night at home ā€“ my 9-year-old is playing with his new Angry Birds game (a recent birthday gift) and Teacher Man has conferences tonight at school so he wonā€™t be home until later. I was super productive when I got home ā€“ made dinner, baked a batch of Joeā€™s […] Read moreā€¦

Angry Birds prizes for the goodie bags!

Here's to a Vacation Day!

I read an article today in the Twin Cities Star Tribune about how Americans donā€™t take all of their vacation days either because of a lack of time or a lack of money ā€“ or both, I am sure. This isnā€™t exactly news ā€“ I think most of us have heard this before, and itā€™s […] Read moreā€¦

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