My Boy Joe

My usual indiscriminate look back at the week.

Happy Sunday night, friends! I’m watching all the skinny actresses at the Academy Awards – while I’m thoroughly enjoying a sub from Subway and a Dairy Queen caramel sundae. #SorryNotSorry Seriously, these actresses must be TINY in person. If they look ultra skinny on TV, I can’t even imagine seeing them in real life. As […] Read more…

Joe Man is 13!

My little boy is a teenager! Oh be still this momma’s heart. How in the world did that happen? Of course I know how this happened. This is life. These are the years that fly by. And it is both exciting and terrifying at the same time. The clock continues tick. But for now, he […] Read more…

Looking Ahead | via

Looking Ahead!

Hello 2017! I don’t think I’ve ever been someone who wants to spend a lot of time looking back at the year that was. When I was an editor of a weekly newspaper back in the day, one of my responsibilities was to recap the entire year and write about the highlights in the last […] Read more…

Date Weekend via

Date Weekend

Hey friends, It’s 44 degrees and raining out right now. Rather than commiserate about the weather (as I know this is just the beginning …), I’ll highlight a few of my favorite photos from my “date weekend” with Teacher Man. Both Joe and Teacher Man were off from school Thursday and Friday last week. Joe […] Read more…

Celebrate Ag & Food Day 2016 | via

Weekend Snaps | Gopher Football!

First, an important announcement to make … it’s my Mom’s birthday today! 🙂 We wish we could’ve been at the farm to help her celebrate, but Joe and I already had made a commitment to volunteer at an event at church so we connected via Facetime instead. Not optimal but it works in a pinch! […] Read more…

Good-bye Summer | via

Good-bye Summer

I’m always a little sad to see Labor Day weekend come to an end. It signals good-bye to summer and hello to a more scheduled life complete with school activities, confirmation classes at church, homework, piano lessons, and a busy, busy office that seems to hit its stride in September and doesn’t look up until […] Read more…

Minnesota lake life | Labor Day Weekend via

Minnesota Lake Life | Labor Day Weekend

Hey friends, how’s your weekend going? After a long nap this afternoon (um, over two hours, maybe?), I’m lazing around in my comfy LuLaRoe leggings (of course), working on some laundry and considering some easy leftovers for supper. We just got back from spending yesterday at the lake – aah, Minnesota lake life – with some […] Read more…

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