My Turkey Family

Goodnight, Turkeys.

My Wordless Wednesday has a few words. I can’t help it. I write. That’s what I do. I love taking pictures, but I love captioning them too. So you’ll forgive me, right? Goodnight, Minnesota’s Presidential turkeys. They are tucked away, cozy in this beautiful and festive garden shed-turned-turkey-barn, at least for the next couple of […] Read more…

Baby Turkeys or "Poults" | via | #turkeyeveryday

Poultry Central. Right here in Minnesota!

As I have written before, I work for several poultry organizations – specifically, the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and its sister organization the Minnesota Turkey Research and Promotion Council; the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota; and the Midwest Poultry Federation. Poultry Central. Right here in Minnesota! I wear many hats for these organizations, including […] Read more…

Turkey Queen in November

Here’s my shocking admission today: Sometimes I have pork envy. (Bacon? Have you noticed recently that it’s everywhere?) Sometimes I have dairy envy. (Those cute cows plus the milk mustaches – who can compete?) Sometimes I even have just a little beef envy (in the form of a big, juicy New York strip). But there […] Read more…

My Turkey Family

I was reminded this weekend that I am lucky to have an extended “family” who I also happen to work for as the communications director for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association (or MTGA for short). After 17 years with the organization, it only makes sense that I would get to know many of these people […] Read more…

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