Poultry Farming


Turkey Labels 101

Hey guys – I wrote this post below for Agriculture.com (I’m a #WomenInAg blogger) but I wanted to make sure I shared it here because I think it’s got some great basic information about turkeys. And it is Turkey Tuesday after all!  No recipe today, though – sorry about that! I was gone all weekend […] Read more…

Antibiotic Use on a Turkey Farm | via printmyemotions.com

Turkey Tuesday: Handling a Heat Wave

It’s been too long since I’ve written about turkeys. Blame it on a busy schedule, vacation days, summer … although if I’m completely honest with you, I’ve been a little burned out writing about agriculture. I’ve been feeling a little stretched thin, with commitments to this blog, my communications career at Minnesota Turkey Growers Association, […] Read more…

June is Turkey Lovers Month | via printmyemotions.com #tryturkey #serveturkey #turkeyeveryday

Turkey Lovers Unite!

June signals many things, including the end of the school year and the beginning of summer, but did you know June is Turkey Lovers’ Month®? It’s true! I’m not just making this up because I, in fact, am a huge fan turkey – as you well know. June is Turkey Lovers’ Month® is a thing. Really. You can […] Read more…

Are animal activists calling the shots? | via printmyemotions.com

Are animal activists calling the shots?

I’ve been in a bit of a writing slump regarding agriculture topics. It’s not that I don’t enjoy writing about agriculture or the poultry farmers I know; I think sometimes I just get burned out dealing with the onslaught of misinformation, fear marketing, and flat-out false (and by that, I mean purposely false) information making […] Read more…

The basics of egg nutrition | via printmyemotions.com #incredibleeggs #womeninag

The Basics of Egg Nutrition

Note from Lara: I wrote this blog post for Agriculture.com earlier this week and want to also share it here as I think the information is really helpful. Reprinted with permission from Meredith Corporation and Agriculture.com. I’m switching gears just a little with this blog post to talk a bit about eggs. With so many […] Read more…

#JennieO Oven Ready whole turkey | via printmyemotions.com

Turkey Tuesday: There’s No Turkey Shortage for Thanksgiving. Seriously.

Instead of a recipe today (I know, sorry!), I want to share a key piece of information heading into the Thanksgiving season: there is no turkey shortage for Thanksgiving this year. Seriously. Yes, it’s true there was a terrible outbreak of avian flu that caused the death of millions of turkeys, especially in Minnesota – the […] Read more…

Flock of Turkeys | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

An Update on Subway

Subway clarified its antibiotics in meat policy on Friday, in case you haven’t heard. I’m glad for that because Subway is an important market for poultry – and certainly for turkey deli meat specifically. According to Feedstuffs magazine, here is the clarification: On its website, the company said the goal is to reduce and eliminate the […] Read more…

Ruffled Feathers over Subway

I’m struggling a bit to gauge my reactions to the Subway announcement this week that essentially toughened the chain’s stance on antibiotic use in food animals. Starting in 2016, Subway will only serve meat never treated with antibiotics. And as Watt Poultry noted here, this comes a month or so after the chain got a failing grade […] Read more…

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