Poultry Farming

The Good Egg Project | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

A Good Egg.

I am thrilled to announce a new partnership I have with the American Egg Board to be a Good Egg Project Ambassador, along with several other bloggers! When asked if I would be interested, it took me all of, oh, I’d say five seconds to say yes. Given my background working with egg farmers and […] Read more…

Does size matter in agriculture?

Does Size Matter in Agriculture? (And Other Observations)

Deceptive marketing tactics. (Ahem, Panera.) Food fear factor. (That’s you, Chipotle.) Small farmers – good. Big farmers – bad. Big ag – really, really bad. Organic turkeys are happy. Conventional turkeys are confined and unhappy. (And don’t get me started on heritage turkeys.) Heck, everyone knows white eggs can’t compare nutritionally to brown eggs, right? […] Read more…

Panera Bread (Or How to Pluck an EZ Chicken).

Panera Bread (Or How to Pluck an EZ Chicken).

Panera Bread Company certainly got an earful this week! A dairy farmer/blogger – Dairy Carrie – wrote this post lambasting the company for its ridiculously misleading advertising campaign that essentially called livestock and poultry farmers who use antibiotics “lazy.” Misleading. And offensive to farmers everywhere. I know many farmers and I can say for certain […] Read more…

Laying hens

Common Sense Chicken Truths

Full disclosure: I have been stewing a bit about a comment about eggs and laying hens I read on Facebook for at least a week now. If you are a regular reader of this blog, then you know I’ve written about eggs and the misconceptions about egg farming before – in fact, my post “Can […] Read more…

Turkey | via printmyemotions.com

Wordless Wednesday (Gobble Gobble!)

Happy Wednesday, turkey lovers! I took this photo a few years ago in a turkey barn just south of the Twin Cities. I am sharing it today because it’s a chance for me to show you what turkeys eat every day: a perfectly nutritious mix of corn and soybean meal, with some vitamins and minerals […] Read more…

Laying Hens | via printmyemotions.com

Can We Chat About Eggs?

Why can’t we all just get along? Oops sorry. I had to vent for just a tiny little second. Sometimes all these food conversations are exhausting. Do you ever feel that way? I read a blog post on the BlogHer network yesterday morning entitled, “How to Buy Eggs: Cage-Free, Free Range and Pastured, Oh My!” […] Read more…

Laying hens

Does a Hen Need a Rooster?

I’m back to writing about chickens tonight … laying hens, to be specific. Last week the organizations I work for (Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota) participated in a special “Agriculture Awareness Day” at the University of Minnesota. The event – organized by a group of dedicated students in […] Read more…

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