Turkey Recipes

Cheesy Taco Soup with ground turkey | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com #jennieo #SwitchToTurkey #eatmoreturkey

Turkey Tuesday: Cheesy Taco Soup

I am completely obsessed with soups right now. (Just ask Teacher Man – I’ve been making soups all winter.) When I found this Cheesy Taco Soup I knew I had a winner! Considering I live in the North Country, otherwise known as Minnesota, I suppose that makes sense. I am all about comfort food in […] Read more…

Sriracha Turkey Burger | via printmyemotions.com #turkeyeveryday #switchtoturkey #serveturkey

Sriracha Turkey Burgers

  I’ve been meaning to blog this recipe for Sriracha Turkey Burgers for a while now – I’ve made it a few times and everyone loves it. Even Joe. Yes, you read that correctly. I just said my completely-picky-eater-of-a-son likes these turkey burgers with spicy sriracha sauce. I know. I couldn’t believe it when he first […] Read more…

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