Turkey Recipes

Creepy Finger Sticks with Turkey Pepperoni | via printmyemotions.com #serveturkey #turkeyeveryday #switchtoturkey

Creepy Finger Sticks for Halloween

I’ve worked for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association for over 17 years, so by now, it’s no big surprise to my family and friends that I love to share good turkey recipes. This means even at Halloween, when these Creepy Finger Sticks fit the bill! This weekend, my brother and sister-in-law hosted their annual Halloween […] Read more…

Turkey Spaghetti Pie | #switchtoturkey #turkeyeveryday #serveturkey

Turkey Spaghetti Pie

I wasn’t going to blog tonight, but I feel I must share with you these two recipes I made today – Turkey Spaghetti Pie and the most amazing chocolate chip cookie recipe. I took a day off because it’s fall break for schools in Minnesota, and I really wanted to spent the day with my […] Read more…

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