Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday Night in My Town via printmyemotions.com

Wednesday in my Town

It’s Wednesday night and I went for a walk around downtown Buffalo while Joe was meeting with his confirmation small group at the new ice cream shop. (Usually they meet at church but today was different – a social night, it was called – so the boys and their leader bought ice cream and they […] Read more…

Beauty in Nature

Does anyone do Wordless Wednesday posts anymore? No matter, I have a few photos I snapped tonight on a run near my church. (It’s confirmation night so I was waiting for Joe.) Few words. Just pictures.  Beauty in nature, indeed. God is good. Read more…

Zinnia | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Zinnia Perfection.

I’m just going to leave these two photos right here and share some zinnia trivia with you: These varieties are why zinnias are among my top 5 favorite flowers. At the rehearsal dinner the night before my wedding, we had arrangements of zinnias on each table. If I owned my own retail store, which would be […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday: A Little Hydrangea Heaven

Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul. – Luther Burbank Aren’t these ‘Annabelle’ Hydrangea blooms crazy gorgeous? The blooms have now officially changed from white to green and they are absolutely enormous. I’m holding three blooms here and couldn’t even get my iPhone camera […] Read more…

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