Keep Calm … and Go Hawks??

How was your weekend? Mine was a whirlwind! On Friday night, we made the 5+ hour trip down to Iowa City to visit my sister-in-law and her family, arriving just after 11 p.m. and welcomed with a beer for Teacher Man and glass of wine for me – much needed after driving through wind, rain, […] Read more…

Does size matter in agriculture?

Does Size Matter in Agriculture? (And Other Observations)

Deceptive marketing tactics. (Ahem, Panera.) Food fear factor. (That’s you, Chipotle.) Small farmers – good. Big farmers – bad. Big ag – really, really bad. Organic turkeys are happy. Conventional turkeys are confined and unhappy. (And don’t get me started on heritage turkeys.) Heck, everyone knows white eggs can’t compare nutritionally to brown eggs, right? […] Read more…

Turkey Roll-Ups | via

Turkey Roll-Ups

I’m excited to share one of my favorite recipes ever – Turkey Roll-Ups! It’s simple but full of flavor and my go-to for get-togethers for sure. But first, I can’t tell you how happy I am to see Friday night. It’s not that I had a bad week – quite the contrary, I had a […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday: A Pug Hug

Apparently it was a little tough this morning for Joe and Earl the pug to get out of bed – perhaps a reflection of the misty rain and gray clouds filtering into the room. I think they would’ve rather snuggled a bit longer instead of getting up and getting on with the day. Happy Wednesday, […] Read more…

10 Things I Worked On Today

Do you ever wonder what it is I actually do, day-to-day, in the office? If you’ve read some of my past blog posts or my About Me page, then you know I handle communications, social media, meeting planning and a myriad of other things for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and three other poultry-related organizations. […] Read more…

A Birthday Celebration.

My family loves celebrating birthdays. In fact, I think Teacher Man was perhaps a tad big overwhelmed when he first became a part of the family and he realized just how much we get into birthdays. I guess you could say we have a “go big or go home” attitude when it comes to birthdays […] Read more…

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