Laying Hens | via

Can We Chat About Eggs?

Why can’t we all just get along? Oops sorry. I had to vent for just a tiny little second. Sometimes all these food conversations are exhausting. Do you ever feel that way? I read a blog post on the BlogHer network yesterday morning entitled, “How to Buy Eggs: Cage-Free, Free Range and Pastured, Oh My!” […] Read more…

I Fit All This Into One Weekend?

I had the most jam-packed Saturday and it was all fun, fun, fun! Well, except for the weather, which was crappy (barely reaching 40 degrees and cold and gray). But I won’t dwell on that. Instead, I’m dwelling on our little trip out to my parents’ farm on Saturday for some family festivities. Normally, spring […] Read more…

La Bamba Turkey Hotdish #serveturkey #turkeyeveryday #switchtoturkey

La Bamba Turkey Hotdish

Before I get into this week’s recipe, La Bamba Turkey Hotdish, let’s talk about ground turkey. Have you seen or read about this week’s Consumer Reports’ research that looked at ground turkey and foodborne pathogens? I cringed when I read some of the hyped-up headlines, such as: “90% of Ground Turkey Contains Disease-Causing Bacteria”. Ouch. […] Read more…

Uptown Girls and Guys

When the weather in Minnesota turns to spring, it is a glorious thing – and even more glorious this year because our first 60+ degree day was over a month later than usual. So what’s a girl and her family to do on a sunny Saturday afternoon? We headed to Uptown Minneapolis for an afternoon […] Read more…

Laying hens

Does a Hen Need a Rooster?

I’m back to writing about chickens tonight … laying hens, to be specific. Last week the organizations I work for (Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota) participated in a special “Agriculture Awareness Day” at the University of Minnesota. The event – organized by a group of dedicated students in […] Read more…

Buff Laced Bantam Chick

Do Chickens Need Turndown Service?

I am turning my attention to chickens today. Specifically chicken hotels … with turndown service. Yes. You just read that correctly. Turndown service. I saw an article floating around Twitter today about a luxury chicken hotel in Eugene, Oregon.  According to the article, for just $2 per chicken per night, the birds receive fresh food, […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday.

Or … where is spring? Certainly not here in Minnesota yet. Rain, sleet and snow are all predicted for tonight/tomorrow – perhaps as much as 8 or 10 inches of snow. Sigh. I should be happy there is moisture on the way, but I’d prefer the rain over the snow. I’m picky like that … […] Read more…

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