Gobble On!

Gobble On!

This self-described Turkey Queen is at again. It’s one week until Thanksgiving (cue the Angel choir voices singing now – aaahhhh!), so I couldn’t help but share a photo of this handsome little turkey I took in a Minnesota barn a while back. I mean, if you can’t share a turkey photo or two in […] Read more…

Laundry is Relaxing?

After spending the past 5 of 6 weekends away from home, I couldn’t wait to hang at home this weekend with no big plans, other than dinner out Friday night. Don’t get me wrong – every one of those weekends away was fun and resulted in several of my recent blog posts (here, here and […] Read more…

Turkey Queen in November

Here’s my shocking admission today: Sometimes I have pork envy. (Bacon? Have you noticed recently that it’s everywhere?) Sometimes I have dairy envy. (Those cute cows plus the milk mustaches – who can compete?) Sometimes I even have just a little beef envy (in the form of a big, juicy New York strip). But there […] Read more…

Girls Weekend in Des Moines | via printmyemotions.com

Girls Weekend in Des Moines? Hell Yes!

Can four women have fun on a girls weekend in Des Moines? Last weekend was my 14th annual girls weekend with my cousin – which just made me realize that this whole girls weekend thing has been going on longer than my marriage. Wow. Some background: The girls weekend has always involved myself and my […] Read more…

Social Media Numbers Game

(I apologize in advance if this is a long, rambling blog post on social media analytics. I know, the word “analytics” alone is a snore-fest, right? But you see, I’ve been thinking about this subject all day and it’s starting to make my head hurt. However, I decided if I could write down a few […] Read more…

Creepy Finger Sticks with Turkey Pepperoni | via printmyemotions.com #serveturkey #turkeyeveryday #switchtoturkey

Creepy Finger Sticks for Halloween

I’ve worked for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association for over 17 years, so by now, it’s no big surprise to my family and friends that I love to share good turkey recipes. This means even at Halloween, when these Creepy Finger Sticks fit the bill! This weekend, my brother and sister-in-law hosted their annual Halloween […] Read more…

Lonely Gopher in a Hawkeye World?

I married an Iowa Hawkeye fan.  Let me repeat that for emphasis: I married an Iowa Hawkeye fan. This means that sometimes I need to know when to quiet my Minnesota Golden Gopher allegiances and just go with the black and gold. (Always with one caveat – as long as the Hawkeyes aren’t playing my […] Read more…

Turkey Spaghetti Pie | #switchtoturkey #turkeyeveryday #serveturkey

Turkey Spaghetti Pie

I wasn’t going to blog tonight, but I feel I must share with you these two recipes I made today – Turkey Spaghetti Pie and the most amazing chocolate chip cookie recipe. I took a day off because it’s fall break for schools in Minnesota, and I really wanted to spent the day with my […] Read more…

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