Avian Influenza

Baby Turkeys or "Poults" | via printmyemotions.com | #turkeyeveryday

Avian Flu: What I Want You To Know

It’s been over four months since the last case of highly-pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) hit Minnesota’s poultry farmers. Since that time, our office (the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association) has been, in many ways, busier than it was during the crisis when our goal was to make sure our growers had the information they needed each day. […] Read more…

Flock of Turkeys | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

The Worry and Work on Avian Influenza.

If you live in Minnesota and watch or read the local news, it’s been pretty hard to miss the almost daily reports of a deadline avian flu hitting turkey flocks in Minnesota. I’ve written about it for Agriculture.com (most recently here) but I haven’t covered it too much on my blog. It’s hard to put […] Read more…

Joe Man | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Sunday Night Summation

You guys. It’s supposed to hit 55 degrees tomorrow. 55 degrees! That makes Monday seem almost … celebratory. But first, a quick recap of the past week: My post on Wednesday – Food Shaming – went fairly ballistic for me and I was excited to see it shared by so many people! If you haven’t […] Read more…