chicken farmers

Panera Bread (Or How to Pluck an EZ Chicken).

Panera Bread (Or How to Pluck an EZ Chicken).

Panera Bread Company certainly got an earful this week! A dairy farmer/blogger – Dairy Carrie – wrote this post lambasting the company for its ridiculously misleading advertising campaign that essentially called livestock and poultry farmers who use antibiotics “lazy.” Misleading. And offensive to farmers everywhere. I know many farmers and I can say for certain […] Read more…

Baby Turkeys or "Poults" | via | #turkeyeveryday

Poultry Central. Right here in Minnesota!

As I have written before, I work for several poultry organizations – specifically, the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and its sister organization the Minnesota Turkey Research and Promotion Council; the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota; and the Midwest Poultry Federation. Poultry Central. Right here in Minnesota! I wear many hats for these organizations, including […] Read more…