
Flock of Turkeys | via

An Update on Subway

Subway clarified its antibiotics in meat policy on Friday, in case you haven’t heard. I’m glad for that because Subway is an important market for poultry – and certainly for turkey deli meat specifically. According to Feedstuffs magazine, here is the clarification: On its website, the company said the goal is to reduce and eliminate the […] Read more…

Bill Maher is Not an Egg Farmer| via

Bill Maher is not an egg farmer.

  It’s true. I know this may be hard to fathom for some folks, but Bill Maher – the comedian – is really not even close to being an egg farmer. He does, however, want you to think he knows an awful lot about raising egg layer hens, according to an opinion piece he wrote […] Read more…

Dr. Oz Cries Foul Over Fowl | via

Stop the Chicken Bashing, Dr. Oz!

Cue the scary video images and dramatic voiceover. Dr. Oz is at it again. In an episode on his TV show today, he apparently “exposes the horrors” of conventional chicken production. The full episode isn’t available on his website as of yet so, unfortunately, I haven’t been able to watch it all, but judging from […] Read more…

Muffin Frittatas #eggs #goodeggproject | via

Easy Muffin Mini Frittatas

Confession: I’m not terribly good at making New Year’s resolutions. For the past several months, however, I’ve been on a bit of a mission to make sure I’m feeding my family a variety of foods and cooking more from scratch with fresh ingredients whenever possible. (Honestly, I think I blame this partly on Pinterest. I’ve […] Read more…

Does size matter in agriculture?

Does Size Matter in Agriculture? (And Other Observations)

Deceptive marketing tactics. (Ahem, Panera.) Food fear factor. (That’s you, Chipotle.) Small farmers – good. Big farmers – bad. Big ag – really, really bad. Organic turkeys are happy. Conventional turkeys are confined and unhappy. (And don’t get me started on heritage turkeys.) Heck, everyone knows white eggs can’t compare nutritionally to brown eggs, right? […] Read more…

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