chocolate chip cookies

Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe |

Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookies

This recipe for my family’s favorite chocolate chip cookies has been buried in a different blog post from years ago, which I decided was silly. I even have a hard time finding it when I want it. Instead, I’m re-writing and re-posting it here so you can finally have easy access to it. I love […] Read more…

Joe's favorite chocolate chip cookies | via

Joe’s Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookies

Happy Sunday night … and the night before the 2018-19 school year starts!  While I can’t believe my baby is headed to high school, Joe has assured me he is ready to start the new school year. His binder is ready and lunch is packed, complete with his favorite chocolate chip cookies. I shared this […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | via

Weekend Snaps | Summer in October?

I’d like one more Sunday tacked on to the weekend. (Pretty please?) Fine. Be that way. 😉 I guess I’ll just share our weekend in a few snaps and stay in denial about that whole Monday thing coming soon. Teacher Man decided to re-paint the ceiling in our kitchen / great room area, which meant that […] Read more…

Baby Shower Fun | via

Girly Baby Shower Fun.

In about two months or so, I’m going to be an auntie again! My baby sister, Jodi, and her husband are having their own baby – a little girl due January 7 – and this weekend my sister-in-law, Dana, and I threw her a baby shower. Joe was the last baby we’ve had on my […] Read more…

Laundry is Relaxing?

After spending the past 5 of 6 weekends away from home, I couldn’t wait to hang at home this weekend with no big plans, other than dinner out Friday night. Don’t get me wrong – every one of those weekends away was fun and resulted in several of my recent blog posts (here, here and […] Read more…

Turkey Spaghetti Pie | #switchtoturkey #turkeyeveryday #serveturkey

Turkey Spaghetti Pie

I wasn’t going to blog tonight, but I feel I must share with you these two recipes I made today – Turkey Spaghetti Pie and the most amazing chocolate chip cookie recipe. I took a day off because it’s fall break for schools in Minnesota, and I really wanted to spent the day with my […] Read more…