Christmas cookies

Peanut Butter Balls | Christmas Cookies |

Peanut Butter Balls

The Christmas baking season is in full swing and these Peanut Butter Balls are a fairly new tradition — and happily so! — in our family. The recipe comes from my blogger friend, Val, over at Corn, Beans, Pigs and Kids and reminds me of a similar cookie (are these cookies?) my Grandma Doris used […] Read more…

Gingersnap Chocolate Chip Cookies |

Gingersnap Chocolate Chip Cookies

Apparently there has been a huge run on molasses (hello, holiday bakers!) in my town because up until today, all three grocery stores have been out of molasses for nearly the entire month of December. Finally Target restocked (insert praise hands!) and I could make my mom’s recipe for Gingersnap Chocolate Chip Cookies. I don’t […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Birthdays! via

Weekend Snaps | Birthdays!

Hello, friends! So much going on this weekend it’s hard for me to know where to start. So first this: It’s good to be the birthday girl, especially when you’re turning 2! And oh my word, how adorable is Miss Morgan in her headband and sparkly birthday dress? Truth be told, this is really how […] Read more…

Mom’s Best Caramels

I was starting to feel the rush of the holiday season last Friday. I had been gone a couple of days for work, came back and was trying to catch up in the office as well as get things done at home. I could feel the stress starting to creep into my psyche and I […] Read more…

Merry, Merry Christmas!

I have a few blog post ideas percolating but, as is pretty typical this time of year, life gets busy and I haven’t had much time to write. That’s okay – in between my everyday work commitments, my family has enjoyed the past couple of weeks, filled with Christmas cheer and traditions: This photo was […] Read more…