Christmas in the Country Gift Exchange

Christmas in the Country Gift Exchange 2015 | via

Christmas in the Country – Gift Reveal and Link-Up!

It’s time for the big reveal! This year, I have been honored to be a co-host of the Christmas in the Country gift exchange – along with these lovely ladies: Jamie from This Uncharted Rhoade, Laurie from COUNTRY LINKed, and Kirby from 15009 Farmhouse. I can’t begin to tell you how much fun they have made this […] Read more…

Christmas in the Country 2015 Gift Exchange

2015 Christmas in the Country – Gift Exchange Linkup

The time has come, people, and I’m so excited! If you are a farm/ag blogger who would like to join the 2015 Christmas in the Country Gift Exchange, you can do so beginning today.  Okay, so there are some instructions/rules to read and follow – all for the good of the gift exchange. 🙂 By […] Read more…

Christmas in the Country 2015 Gift Exchange

Christmas in the Country Gift Exchange

As I sit here tonight, it’s about 39 degrees and super windy … but it’s not snowing, so for that I lift my Thursday night wine glass in cheers!  Now just to be clear, I love this time of year – and of course, my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving, is in just two weeks (whaaat?)! But If […] Read more…