
Christmas Eve 'Eve' via

Christmas Eve ‘Eve’!

As I sit here in our porch on Christmas Eve “Eve” – the night before Christmas Eve – I am feeling very blessed. How could I not? I have a family I adore. I have a day job that keeps me on my toes and allows me to utilize my talents and passion for sharing […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Christmas Edition

Weekend Snaps | Christmas Edition

Christmas is definitely a whirlwind for us. On December 23, we hold our own little Christmas celebration at home. Then we hit the road to see both sides of the family – Teacher Man’s on Christmas Eve and my family on Christmas Day. Then we pack up the vehicle on December 26 and head back […] Read more…

Weekend Wrap-Up.

It’s been a big weekend around here. My niece, Miss Morgan, turned 1 today and we attended her first birthday party on Saturday. Plus our beloved Earl the #Pug turned 14 (14!), also on Saturday. Sunday was a beautiful mix of baking, laundry, blog writing, piano playing, and watching The Sound of Music for the gazillionth […] Read more…

Merry, Merry Christmas!

I have a few blog post ideas percolating but, as is pretty typical this time of year, life gets busy and I haven’t had much time to write. That’s okay – in between my everyday work commitments, my family has enjoyed the past couple of weeks, filled with Christmas cheer and traditions: This photo was […] Read more…

Christmasy Things I Love

It’s Sunday night and we’ve had a quiet, lazy day heading into Christmas Eve tomorrow. And it’s been lovely. We had our own little Christmas celebration last night – delicious meal, festive-looking crantinis and our gift opening. That left us with today to enjoy our new gifts, wrap presents for the family Christmas events coming […] Read more…

Menorah |

Christmas Tree and a Menorah

Lutheran. Jewish. Christmas. Hanukkah. So which is it? For my family, it’s always been a bit of both. If you happen to be looking for the only Jewish farmer in Renville County, I can introduce you – he’s my Dad! And on Saturday, my sister and brother-in-law hosted a special Hanukkah lunch in his honor. […] Read more…

Cinnamon Cream Cheese Coffee Cake

Cinnamon Cream Cheese Coffee Cake

Some people can’t wait to get the holiday decorations out right after Thanksgiving – or even earlier if they dare. They seem to relish in the process of completely transforming their homes, inside and out, for December. They create stunning creations of garland, greenery, ornaments and lights – not just on the mantel but in […] Read more…

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