container gardening

Spring Gardening via

The Lilacs are Blooming!

The lilacs are blooming! The lilacs are blooming! It feels a bit like a Christmas miracle around here. The long winter. The April blizzard. The constant rain in May. The unusually cool temperatures. But lo and behold, the lilacs are back in their glory. Praise be. The gardens are — finally! — looking more alive […] Read more…

PeeGee Hydrangea Tree via

Hydrangeas & Zinnias & Containers, Oh My!

The lighting outside was pretty decent this morning so I decided to snap a few pics of my gardens and containers before I headed to the office. I wonder if my neighbors ever see me wondering around with my iPhone at 7:30 a.m. and wonder what I’m doing? Although … we’ve lived here for 16+ years […] Read more…

Asiatic Lilies | via

Happy 4th and All That!

Currently … Teacher Man is sleeping on the couch. Joe is working on a Dungeons and Dragons game (do they call it a game? I’m not sure) in the basement. I am sipping some Moscato and, full disclosure here, was wasting time on Facebook when it dawned on me that I should just write a […] Read more…

May Flowers via

May Flowers

Finally. Gardening season is here! Time to get my hands dirty. Time to get planting. Time to create beautiful pots of flowers to pretty up the front porch. Time to get out the chicken wire to deter the bunnies. Hey, not everything about gardening is fun. 😉 Here are a few photos of what I’ve […] Read more…

Garden Walk-About | Let It Rain!

We’ve had 3.6 inches of rain since Monday and it’s looking like Ireland around here. 🙂  It’s always amazing to me how flowers and veggies and seeds just know when it’s a “real” rain from nature – and not the water from my hose. Everything has seemed to pop up big-time since Monday! And even […] Read more…

The Glory of Gardening | via #gardening #gardenchat

The Glory of Gardening.

“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul.” – Alfred Austin What is it about the garden that just calms me? I didn’t do much tonight except some stray weeding but even that […] Read more…

#MyGirlMorgan | via

Sunday Night Miscellany.

How was your weekend? The last five days for us have been so much fun! And amazingly, even the weather took a turn for the better and today, we managed to make it over 70 degrees and it felt pretty incredible. I’ve got tons of photos to share so this post will be more visual than written […] Read more…