Duke of Earl Daylily

Weekend Snaps | Flower Power via printmyemotions.com #daylily

Weekend Snaps | Flower Power

How was your weekend?  Ours was nice and uneventful at home. We golfed, we enjoyed time on our patio, and today I packed up my suitcase for the next two weeks. I’m off to Washington DC tomorrow morning for a work-related conference and I’m looking forward to seeing my turkey peeps for a few days. […] Read more…

Marigolds | Printmyemotions

Monday Staycation – In Rewind

I am on vacation this week, and I have instructed the office not to call me unless it is a dire emergency.  Since I work with very smart and understanding coworkers, I am sure they will heed my plea. (Seriously. I have awesome coworkers.) I need this week off. We don’t have big plans and, […] Read more…