Earl the Pug

Garden Frog Stepping Stone | via printmyemotions.com

Memorial Day Weekend.

So the unofficial start to summer – Memorial Day weekend – is nearly over. The sun came out on Friday and tonight, but in between it was cloudy, cool, and rainy in Minnesota. (I give you Exhibit A above – a look at my brother’s shed on the farm from Sunday evening.) That didn’t stop […] Read more…

Joe at U of MN's Ferguson Hall | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

The weekend before … the big week.

When I leave the house on Monday morning, I will be heading into Saint Paul for what is easily my busiest week of the year. It’s almost time for the 2015 Midwest Poultry Federation Convention, an event our office spends months planning for and the thing that accounts for probably 75% of my workload from […] Read more…

Mango Colada at the Caribe Hilton | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

High Five for Friday!

Okay, so what day is it exactly? I completely lost track when I was in Puerto Rico a week ago for the National Turkey Federation Convention. (Don’t hate me because I just wrote that. Admit it – you would be the same way.) I got back late Sunday night and then hit the ground running […] Read more…

Orchid blooming in January | via MyOtherExciting.Wordpress.com

High Five for Friday!

It’s Friday night and I’m almost headed out the door to have a little dinner out with my boys, Joe and Teacher Man. Joe is, oddly enough, finishing his homework now because he told me he “doesn’t want this hanging over his head all weekend.” Who is this boy? The week at work has been a little […] Read more…

Weekend Wrap-Up.

It’s been a big weekend around here. My niece, Miss Morgan, turned 1 today and we attended her first birthday party on Saturday. Plus our beloved Earl the #Pug turned 14 (14!), also on Saturday. Sunday was a beautiful mix of baking, laundry, blog writing, piano playing, and watching The Sound of Music for the gazillionth […] Read more…

High Five for Friday!

Happy Friday, everyone! It’s been a busy and productive week leading up to Christmas and I’d say I have just a few small things to cross off my to do list and I’ll be ready. Apparently I’ve been a little lax at documenting my week in photos, so I’m just going to write five random […] Read more…

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