Egg Farmers

Laying Hens | via

Can We Chat About Eggs?

Why can’t we all just get along? Oops sorry. I had to vent for just a tiny little second. Sometimes all these food conversations are exhausting. Do you ever feel that way? I read a blog post on the BlogHer network yesterday morning entitled, “How to Buy Eggs: Cage-Free, Free Range and Pastured, Oh My!” […] Read more…

Baby Turkeys or "Poults" | via | #turkeyeveryday

Poultry Central. Right here in Minnesota!

As I have written before, I work for several poultry organizations – specifically, the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and its sister organization the Minnesota Turkey Research and Promotion Council; the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota; and the Midwest Poultry Federation. Poultry Central. Right here in Minnesota! I wear many hats for these organizations, including […] Read more…

Whose Truth Is It?

Whose Truth Is It?

Social media is an amazing thing – a fantastic way for organizations like mine (see Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota) to bring consumers closer to their food and to the farmers who raise their food. But it can also get me all worked up sometimes, even when I’m […] Read more…

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