factory farms

Photo by Leon Ephraïm on Unsplash

The Fair Oaks Farms Situation

In the world we live in today, it’s easy to condemn an entire company – in this case Fair Oaks Farm, one of the nation’s largest dairy farms – or an entire industry – in this case, farmers – when a revolting video of mistreatment of animals comes out. However, it’s not fair and it’s […] Read more…

The Fight for Animal Agriculture | Who Wins? via printmyemotions.com #agchat

The Fight for Animal Agriculture | Who Wins?

(Lara’s note – I wrote this blog post for Agriculture.com and am reprinting it here with the permission of the Meredith Corporation.) I have a teeny little confession to make. I think I’m burned out on writing about all the misconceptions and mistruths about agriculture. Those of you who know me well know that I’ve […] Read more…

Laying Hens | via printmyemotions.com

Can We Chat About Eggs?

Why can’t we all just get along? Oops sorry. I had to vent for just a tiny little second. Sometimes all these food conversations are exhausting. Do you ever feel that way? I read a blog post on the BlogHer network yesterday morning entitled, “How to Buy Eggs: Cage-Free, Free Range and Pastured, Oh My!” […] Read more…