
April 1, 2020

Well, here we are on April 1, 2020. It’s an uncertain, scary and surreal time and I know I’m feeling more anxious on a daily basis than I ever remember feeling at any point in my life. I have been telling myself over and over again that I need to let go what I can’t […] Read more…

My Girl Morgan | via

Weekend Snaps | Kid Swap Edition

Another weekend is almost in the books and we spent ours swapping kids. Come again? It was fall break in school and Joe was fortunate to be asked by a good friend of his to accompany his family to Lake of the Woods, which is in the far northwest corner of Minnesota – a good […] Read more…

Lefse 101 - It's a Norwegian Thing | via

Lefse 101

Okay, so I totally meant to write this post on Lefse 101 before Christmas. Oops! I have been trying for several years to find a time for my mom to teach me how to make lefse, a Norwegian tortilla or flat bread of sorts, that is a tradition in my family during the holiday season. […] Read more…

Merry, Merry Christmas!

I have a few blog post ideas percolating but, as is pretty typical this time of year, life gets busy and I haven’t had much time to write. That’s okay – in between my everyday work commitments, my family has enjoyed the past couple of weeks, filled with Christmas cheer and traditions: This photo was […] Read more…

Go Big Red (My Wishes for Davis)

My nephew/Godson, Davis, is going away to college at the University of Nebraska this week. Wasn’t he just 6 years old and in kindergarten? Didn’t I just see him running around the farm, chasing Grandpa’s black lab, Summer, and asking a zillion questions about everything? Wasn’t he just begging to ride the golf cart and […] Read more…

Menorah |

Christmas Tree and a Menorah

Lutheran. Jewish. Christmas. Hanukkah. So which is it? For my family, it’s always been a bit of both. If you happen to be looking for the only Jewish farmer in Renville County, I can introduce you – he’s my Dad! And on Saturday, my sister and brother-in-law hosted a special Hanukkah lunch in his honor. […] Read more…

Road Trip to Nebraska

What happens when I hit the road with my 17-year-old nephew and my parents for a weekend in Lincoln, Nebraska? Laughter, entertaining family trivia, and a chance to see my nephew, Davis, as a future college freshman – yikes! When did that happen? First things first – why Lincoln, Nebraska? Well, the long story is […] Read more…