family time

Memorial Day Weekend 2018

Weekend Snaps | Memorial Day Weekend

Please tell me I’m not the only one who loves eating dry cereal as a snack before bedtime.  Because I’m doing that right now. There’s just something about a small bowl of Cascadian Farms granola and a small glass of cranberry juice at night. I have no idea why I love it, but I do. […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | via

Weekend Snaps | Family

Hey friends … here we are, Sunday night again. I’ve got a busy, busy week ahead … starting with a LuLaRoe sale in my Facebook group tonight, a business trip to Detroit on Tuesday/Wednesday, a Hall & Oates concert with Teacher Man on Thursday, and pedicures with the girls on Friday. Whew! I’m looking forward […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Thanksgiving 2015 | via

Weekend Snaps | Thankful

Hello friends! How was your Thanksgiving weekend? As is the case every year, ours went way too fast, and now Joe and I find ourselves on the couch, lamenting that our little break is over. I’m not quite sure I’m ready for Monday – this week is going to be quite crazy busy at work […] Read more…

Magellan ZinMagellan Zinnias | via Printmyemotions

Sunday Round-Up.

Another weekend is almost in the books. And it’s June 1 tomorrow. Whaaaaat? Do you know what this means? It means that by Friday, I will officially have one husband and one son out of school for the summer. Both are fairly excited about this prospect. Me? Well, it’s all good, of course, but it […] Read more…

Oatmeal chocolate cookies | via

Sunday Somethings.

I am ridiculously tired tonight. As in – zero energy. None at all. And yet, I don’t want to go to sleep. Instead, I am eating peanut butter pie frozen custard with chocolate sauce and writing blog posts. This is, of course, what makes Sunday nights and the inevitable creep of Monday’s to do list […] Read more…

Toddler Time - A Melange of Morgan Expressions | via

Toddler Time!

We spent time with our niece, Miss Morgan, on Saturday and Sunday morning. She’s just over 15 months and quite the little toddler now. Tonight, as I was going through all the photos I took, I realized I had captured quite a few different looks. So tonight, I bring you a melange of Morgan expressions […] Read more…