
My Girl Morgan | via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | Kid Swap Edition

Another weekend is almost in the books and we spent ours swapping kids. Come again? It was fall break in school and Joe was fortunate to be asked by a good friend of his to accompany his family to Lake of the Woods, which is in the far northwest corner of Minnesota – a good […] Read more…

Easter. Family. Farm | via printmyemotions.com

Easter. Family. Farm.

When life gets stressful for me, I always find the farm a very helpful place to get away. Is it the sense of calm that descends as we drive down the very familiar driveway, lined with decades-old trees and farm fields near and far to the eye? Is it because no matter how old I get […] Read more…

Family Togetherness in the Florida Keys

I think it’s fair to say I have never (in my whole entire life, actually) wanted a spring break vacation more than this year. The day we left to begin our travels to the Florida Keys, it was barely 14 degrees with a frigid northwest wind – on March 22, mind you. The wind, in fact, taunted us […] Read more…