
Asiatic lily

Inspect My Gardens

Amazing what can happen when you leave for four days and you come back to inspect your gardens Different flowers are blooming and plants are finally growing! The veggies are coming along with some ready for harvest. Get those praise hands up! My poor gardens, though, will probably have to handle more neglect than tender […] Read more…

Friday Night Garden Tour | via

Friday Night Garden Tour

I’m back from my work trip/vacation and have a ton of photos to share. But first … I took some pics of my gardens tonight. The lighting was perfect – the mosquitos were not. (I risked a zillion bites for all these photos! Ha!) I’ll be back soon to write about our East Coast road […] Read more…

The Glory of the Late Summer Garden.

The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul. – Alfred Austin My perennial flowers are loving this late summer heat wave, as long as I give them a drink of water (or two) […] Read more…