
Lilacs and peonies | via

Garden Looks

Oh my, this time of year in my gardens is full of scents and scenes that are glorious. Perhaps it’s because we’ve had what feels like 9 months of winter. (Which is entirely true.) It just makes my heart happy to see so much green and the peony and lilac and rose bush blooms. It’s […] Read more…

Spring Gardening via

The Lilacs are Blooming!

The lilacs are blooming! The lilacs are blooming! It feels a bit like a Christmas miracle around here. The long winter. The April blizzard. The constant rain in May. The unusually cool temperatures. But lo and behold, the lilacs are back in their glory. Praise be. The gardens are — finally! — looking more alive […] Read more…

August gardens via

August Gardens

August gardens mean … loads of color, endless blooms, and (in my case) an over-abundance of yellow beans (brought on by my enthusiasm for planting seeds in the spring, no doubt)! The flowers are in their hey day, though … enjoy! ‘David’ phlox and ‘Bubblegum’ petunias, which are growing like crazy! I love this combination […] Read more…

Garden Update | via

Garden Walk-About | July

I’ve been away from home for most of the past two weeks but my garden carries on without me. Perhaps a little weedy in spots, but overall, everything is looking pretty good. My zinnias are just starting to bloom (one of my faves!), the hydrangeas are looking lush and gorgeous, the daisy and coneflower are […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Memorial Day

Weekend Snaps | Memorial Day

Is it Sunday or Monday? i don’t know – I’ve lost track. 😉 I suppose I better get my act together soon, though, so that I make sure we all get off to work and school in the morning. We had a fabulous long weekend, spending Saturday on some gardening projects and yard work and […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | My Gardens via

Weekend Snaps | My Gardens

It was a miserable weekend, weather-wise … 40s and cold rain. Is this really May 21? But on the flip-side, my cousin and her daughter visited from Iowa and it was a blast to see them!  Plus … my 13-year-old had his first date! I know – whaaaat? He and a girl went to the movies […] Read more…

May Flowers via

May Flowers

Finally. Gardening season is here! Time to get my hands dirty. Time to get planting. Time to create beautiful pots of flowers to pretty up the front porch. Time to get out the chicken wire to deter the bunnies. Hey, not everything about gardening is fun. 😉 Here are a few photos of what I’ve […] Read more…

September Garden | via #gardening #gardenchat

Weekend Snaps | September Garden

Here’s something you probably don’t know about me: I have never made real, honest-to-goodness fried chicken until this weekend. Random, I know, but it seems strange that in almost 48 years, I’ve never even tried.  That all changed Saturday night when I made some pretty dang fabulous fried chicken from this Food Network recipe courtesy of […] Read more…

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