
My Mother's Day |

Weekend Snaps | My Mother’s Day

I’m not quite sure how we managed, but our weather today for Mother’s Day was absolutely stunning! Low 70s, sunny, and (this is very important) light winds! Really, I’m not sure we could’ve asked for a better day in May – especially since spring has been more of a roller coaster around here and very, […] Read more…

Early Spring Garden

I am the biggest geek ever. I finally got out for a run after several days of, well, not running and I am blissfully happy! Just me, a little Fleetwood Mac, and Prince. It was awesome. See? Geeksville! After I got back, I did a little garden walk-about to see how things are looking. While […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | The Rustic Garden via

Weekend Snaps | Rustic Garden

It’s late Sunday afternoon as I write this latest post. Teacher Man is napping, Joe is video gaming (Terraria, I believe), and Earl the Pug is trying to find a comfortable spot on the floor by my feet so that he catches some of the warm breeze coming through the window. As I mentioned late […] Read more…

Fall Colors | via

Fall Colors

We’re on our way to a hard freeze tonight in Minnesota. I covered a couple of tender plants I want to save, but otherwise the rest will be done. It’s been a glorious fall here, although many areas could use more rain. For now, though, I’m simply enjoying the colors of the season. Happy weekend, […] Read more…

Zinnias | via #gardenchat

Garden Walk-About | October Edition

Contrary to popular myth, gardens are still growing and flowers are still blooming in Minnesota this time of year. Granted, it won’t be long before we get a hard freeze and we’ll be putting the gardens to bed for the winter. For now, though, there are still plenty of blooms to enjoy before that happens. […] Read more…

Sweet Corn Risotto

Sweet Corn Risotto

I’d like to share a few observations from the course of the past few days or so. These will be random observations, so if you were hoping to read a well-constructed blog post tonight, you’re a bit out of luck. My brain is just not working that way right now. 😉 We found out today that this […] Read more…

The Glory of Gardening | via #gardening #gardenchat

The Glory of Gardening.

“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul.” – Alfred Austin What is it about the garden that just calms me? I didn’t do much tonight except some stray weeding but even that […] Read more…

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