High Five for Friday

There's a chance this is wine coffee mug | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

High Five for Friday!

Welcome to Friday, everyone! Or as we say around here … the 3rd straight weekend of Joe’s birthday. It’s a bit ridiculous, actually, but because of various schedules and other activities, we’ve already had two birthday celebrations and now this weekend he’s FINALLY having a good friend of his over for a birthday sleepover. After […] Read more…

Orchid blooming in January | via MyOtherExciting.Wordpress.com

High Five for Friday!

It’s Friday night and I’m almost headed out the door to have a little dinner out with my boys, Joe and Teacher Man. Joe is, oddly enough, finishing his homework now because he told me he “doesn’t want this hanging over his head all weekend.” Who is this boy? The week at work has been a little […] Read more…

High Five For Friday!

This has been a tough week. I won’t get into details, but suffice it to say, my entire work week was turned upside down so what I expected to get done early this week, didn’t happen. That left me playing catch-up, which this time of year, is a scary prospect. This is my busiest time […] Read more…

High Five for Friday!

Here’s the thing: if you think my life should get less crazy the week after Thanksgiving, then you would be wrong, actually. I know, right? This seems to fly contrary to common sense, given I work in communications for the #1 turkey producing state in the U.S. and I just got through what would seem […] Read more…

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