hydrangea varieties

PeeGee Hydrangea Tree via printmyemotions.com

Hydrangeas & Zinnias & Containers, Oh My!

The lighting outside was pretty decent this morning so I decided to snap a few pics of my gardens and containers before I headed to the office. I wonder if my neighbors ever see me wondering around with my iPhone at 7:30 a.m. and wonder what I’m doing? Although … we’ve lived here for 16+ years […] Read more…

August gardens via printmyemotions.com

August Gardens

August gardens mean … loads of color, endless blooms, and (in my case) an over-abundance of yellow beans (brought on by my enthusiasm for planting seeds in the spring, no doubt)! The flowers are in their hey day, though … enjoy! ‘David’ phlox and ‘Bubblegum’ petunias, which are growing like crazy! I love this combination […] Read more…