
Asiatic Lilies | via printmyemotions.com

Happy 4th and All That!

Currently … Teacher Man is sleeping on the couch. Joe is working on a Dungeons and Dragons game (do they call it a game? I’m not sure) in the basement. I am sipping some Moscato and, full disclosure here, was wasting time on Facebook when it dawned on me that I should just write a […] Read more…

Garden Update | via printmyemotions.com

Garden Walk-About | July

I’ve been away from home for most of the past two weeks but my garden carries on without me. Perhaps a little weedy in spots, but overall, everything is looking pretty good. My zinnias are just starting to bloom (one of my faves!), the hydrangeas are looking lush and gorgeous, the daisy and coneflower are […] Read more…

Becky Daisy | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

A Garden Walk-About in July.

I arrived home today from the lake, completely relaxed and stress-free from my mini-vacation (click here for my post yesterday on this) – and consequently I am not at all ready to get back to the office tomorrow. It’s probably an understatement to say that I’m ready for a real vacation – a total get-away that […] Read more…

The Story of My Gardens | July

“Gardening is akin to writing stories.”  – Eudora Welty I love this quote, no doubt because I am both a writer and a gardener. I’m not quite sure if my gardens tell stories, but perhaps if they did, they would say I love an overabundance of color (I’m not terribly matchy-matchy) and I enjoy trying new […] Read more…

A Little Hydrangea Heaven.

Where is August going? I feel the tick-tock of the back-to-school clock already … and I haven’t even gotten to the Minnesota State Fair yet. (The State Fair, by the way, is a pretty big deal for my office – I will promise to blog a bit about all the ways we (wait for it […] Read more…