June is Turkey Lovers’ Month

June is Turkey Lovers Month | via printmyemotions.com #tryturkey #serveturkey #switchtoturkey

Turkey Tuesday | Distractions

My confession for the night: I got totally distracted this evening and now that it’s 10 p.m., I don’t really have the energy to post a recipe.  I went for a run right after work, which morphed afterwards into me listening to the new Justin Timberlake song about 15 times while watering my gardens. Joe, […] Read more…

June is Turkey Lovers Month | via printmyemotions.com #tryturkey #serveturkey #turkeyeveryday

Turkey Lovers Unite!

June signals many things, including the end of the school year and the beginning of summer, but did you know June is Turkey Lovers’ Month®? It’s true! I’m not just making this up because I, in fact, am a huge fan turkey – as you well know. June is Turkey Lovers’ Month® is a thing. Really. You can […] Read more…