Memorial Day

Weekend Snaps | Memorial Day Weekend via

Weekend Snaps | Memorial Day Weekend

I am sitting here writing this post on Sunday night and sipping a very refreshing glass of rose, very grateful for a three-day weekend that makes it seems like we’ve had two Saturdays in a row. (And certainly beyond grateful for the freedoms in the U.S. we have thanks to so many who gave their lives […] Read more…

Garden Frog Stepping Stone | via

Memorial Day Weekend.

So the unofficial start to summer – Memorial Day weekend – is nearly over. The sun came out on Friday and tonight, but in between it was cloudy, cool, and rainy in Minnesota. (I give you Exhibit A above – a look at my brother’s shed on the farm from Sunday evening.) That didn’t stop […] Read more…

My Memorial Day Weekend Mash-Up.

So … the long holiday weekend was busy in a completely fabulous, hanging-out-with-my-family kind of way. A bike ride with my Joe Man to kick things off on Saturday morning. Beer tasting at Hayes’ Public House with Teacher Man, after I spent a gorgeously sunny Saturday afternoon puttering in my gardens and planting a ridiculous […] Read more…