
My Girl Morgan | via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | Kid Swap Edition

Another weekend is almost in the books and we spent ours swapping kids. Come again? It was fall break in school and Joe was fortunate to be asked by a good friend of his to accompany his family to Lake of the Woods, which is in the far northwest corner of Minnesota – a good […] Read more…

Oatmeal chocolate cookies | via MyOtheroreExcitingSelf.com

Sunday Somethings.

I am ridiculously tired tonight. As in – zero energy. None at all. And yet, I don’t want to go to sleep. Instead, I am eating peanut butter pie frozen custard with chocolate sauce and writing blog posts. This is, of course, what makes Sunday nights and the inevitable creep of Monday’s to do list […] Read more…

Toddler Time - A Melange of Morgan Expressions | via printmyemotions.com

Toddler Time!

We spent time with our niece, Miss Morgan, on Saturday and Sunday morning. She’s just over 15 months and quite the little toddler now. Tonight, as I was going through all the photos I took, I realized I had captured quite a few different looks. So tonight, I bring you a melange of Morgan expressions […] Read more…