National Turkey Federation

Deep Fried Turkey - Indoors! | via

Deep Fried Turkey – Indoors!

Have you ever made Deep Fried turkey? It’s a process that seals in the juices and is a super fast way to cook a whole turkey – somewhere along the lines of 40-45 minutes or so for a 10-12 pound turkey. However, it’s also a bit messy, uses 3-5 gallons of oil and you must […] Read more…

Thanksgiving in Washington DC - #PresidentialTurkey13 | via

Thanksgiving in Washington DC: #PresidentialTurkey13

I apologize in advance that I’m not going to be able to write a completely coherent blog post about Thanksgiving week. I seriously am staring at my computer screen at a loss for the right words to describe my experiences last week in Washington DC. Thrilling. Hilarious. Exhausting. Surreal. Memories of a lifetime. How else can […] Read more…

Goodnight, Turkeys.

My Wordless Wednesday has a few words. I can’t help it. I write. That’s what I do. I love taking pictures, but I love captioning them too. So you’ll forgive me, right? Goodnight, Minnesota’s Presidential turkeys. They are tucked away, cozy in this beautiful and festive garden shed-turned-turkey-barn, at least for the next couple of […] Read more…

La Bamba Turkey Hotdish #serveturkey #turkeyeveryday #switchtoturkey

La Bamba Turkey Hotdish

Before I get into this week’s recipe, La Bamba Turkey Hotdish, let’s talk about ground turkey. Have you seen or read about this week’s Consumer Reports’ research that looked at ground turkey and foodborne pathogens? I cringed when I read some of the hyped-up headlines, such as: “90% of Ground Turkey Contains Disease-Causing Bacteria”. Ouch. […] Read more…

Tuesday Night Ramblings!

Happy Tuesday night! It’s a quiet night at home – my 9-year-old is playing with his new Angry Birds game (a recent birthday gift) and Teacher Man has conferences tonight at school so he won’t be home until later. I was super productive when I got home – made dinner, baked a batch of Joe’s […] Read more…

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