piano contest

There's a chance this is wine coffee mug | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

High Five for Friday!

Welcome to Friday, everyone! Or as we say around here … the 3rd straight weekend of Joe’s birthday. It’s a bit ridiculous, actually, but because of various schedules and other activities, we’ve already had two birthday celebrations and now this weekend he’s FINALLY having a good friend of his over for a birthday sleepover. After […] Read more…

The Birthday Boys & Girl | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Weekend Mishmash

This past week was a bit of a whirlwind, thanks to a business trip to Atlanta that took me away from home on Joe’s birthday (last Monday) and back on Thursday. I’m not a big fan of missing my son’s actual birthday because of work; however, it has only happened once before in 11 years, […] Read more…