random blog writing

LuLaRoe Pattern Mixing | via printmyemotions.com

Overdue for some randomness!

I’m long overdue for some randomness, I think. If you regularly follow my blog then you know I just have to throw an occasional random post in with something like a hundred different thoughts that are completely unrelated. I’m like that.  I like random. 1) I realized tonight, after a particularly stressful day (don’t worry […] Read more…

Christmas Ornaments - some vintage, some new | via printmyemotions.com

Total random writing.

Who says I need to have a specific topic to write a post? I haven’t been totally random in a while. (Um, Teacher Man would probably disagree, but I’m specifically talking about my blog here.) And I miss it. I miss the creativity of just typing out whatever comes to mind. (Well, okay, I do […] Read more…