
Weekend Snaps | Father's Day 2016 | via

Weekend Snaps | Father’s Day 2016

This is not going to be the most riveting blog post I’ve ever written – mostly because it’s almost 9 p.m. and I’m tired, people. I got back from my work’s summer conference on Friday afternoon and it has taken me two full days to recuperate. Seriously, this is one of those annoying details about […] Read more…

Home on the Farm

This weekend we spent part of our time at “The Farm”, where I grew up. This is where my parents have lived for over four decades, and where my brother and his family also live. My parents built their house while I was a baby and we moved there from town when I was about […] Read more…

Lake. Family. Golf. Ice Cream. Repeat.

Has it really been 9-1/2 years since Teacher Man and I became parents? Now our redheaded, freckled boy is his own little man – always creative and sometimes cautious, baseball player and pianist, funny man and artist/writer. Just seconds after he came into the world, he promptly peed all over his Dad. It is still […] Read more…