Teacher Man

This is November in Minnesota? | via printmyemotions.com #golf #teacherman #lularoe

Weekend Snaps | This is November in Minnesota?

Hey friends, how was your weekend? Aside from listening to my crabby tweener attempt to practice his piano right now (it’s not going well), my weekend was pretty stellar. I had a practice run at girls’ weekend when my sister-in-law, niece, and mom came for lunch and some local shopping in Buffalo. Fun times! I […] Read more…

High Five for Friday | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

A September Sunday.

Before I get to Sunday, I must share some Saturday photos. Yes, I know. This doesn’t quite match up with the title of this post, but hey – work with me here. For us, Saturday meant watching our niece, Miss Morgan, while her parents worked. And let me tell you, we all had a complete […] Read more…

Joe Man | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Sunday Night Summation

You guys. It’s supposed to hit 55 degrees tomorrow. 55 degrees! That makes Monday seem almost … celebratory. But first, a quick recap of the past week: My post on Wednesday – Food Shaming – went fairly ballistic for me and I was excited to see it shared by so many people! If you haven’t […] Read more…