The Pioneer Woman

Christmas Eve 'Eve' via

Christmas Eve ‘Eve’!

As I sit here in our porch on Christmas Eve “Eve” – the night before Christmas Eve – I am feeling very blessed. How could I not? I have a family I adore. I have a day job that keeps me on my toes and allows me to utilize my talents and passion for sharing […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Hayes Public House

Weekend Snaps | Around Home

I’m on the couch, typing this little weekend update on my laptop with Joe hanging out next to me and Earl the Pug at my feet. I’d say that’s just about a perfect Sunday night. (Oh, and there was ice cream. Always ice cream.) The weather felt more like late fall around here last week […] Read more…

Teacher Man and Lara | via

Sunday Night Rituals.

Sunday nights almost always mean two things to my family: 1) Dairy Queen Blizzards for the boys. Oreo for Joe and peanut butter cups for Teacher Man. Always. Sometimes a Blizzard for me, too, but sometimes not – depends totally on what I feel like. And if I do have a Blizzard, I am the […] Read more…

Weekend Wrap-Up.

It’s been a big weekend around here. My niece, Miss Morgan, turned 1 today and we attended her first birthday party on Saturday. Plus our beloved Earl the #Pug turned 14 (14!), also on Saturday. Sunday was a beautiful mix of baking, laundry, blog writing, piano playing, and watching The Sound of Music for the gazillionth […] Read more…

Labor Day. How Did That Happen?

Labor Day. And how exactly did that happen? Now that Joe’s brand-new backpack is packed, school clothes are laid out, new tennis shoes are ready to be broken in, and even Teacher Man’s lunch is packed for tomorrow, I can plop myself on the couch, turn on a little Real Housewives of Orange County (Reunion, Part […] Read more…

A Simply Perfect Mother's Day.

My Mother’s Day was perfect for many, small reasons. 1. Breakfast in bed. This has been a tradition in our house since Joe was old enough to help in the kitchen. Joe delivered an egg, over easy, on toast, a big bowl of fresh strawberries and a glass of cranberry juice – all while I happily […] Read more…

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