turkey meatloaf

Fall Garden | via printmyemotions.com

Playing Hooky on Monday

I’m not really playing hooky today, but there is something about taking a day off on Monday that feels like I’m cheating just a little.  I went for a run in my neighborhood this morning, marveling at the blue sky and crisp morning air. When I got back, I walked around to the backyard and […] Read more…

Turkey Tuesday - Best Ever Meatloaf | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com #JennieO #SwitchToTurkey #TurkeyEveryday #ServeTurkey

Best Ever Turkey Meatloaf

Honest truth – I was thinking I wouldn’t have time to do a Turkey Tuesday post this week. I wasn’t prepared, I didn’t have a recipe in mind, I wasn’t even sure I had ingredients on hand. (And certainly creating the Best Ever Turkey Meatloaf wasn’t in the cards.) In other words, welcome to Monday […] Read more…